May 24Liked by Monica Ainley DLV

OMG! I can't believe you wore that around Paris! I can believe the reactions that you received. LOL First, you do look super cute in that outfit. I like the blazer over the outfit. Second, this was a fun article to read. Third, I'm one of those people who is sick of seeing people dressed in athleasure. I live in the US and it's just so overdone. Personally, I don't feel at my best or at my most confident when I'm in leggings or gym clothes which is why I choose not to wear them outside of the gym/studio. But that's me. As you pointed out, it will be interesting to see if the Olympics bring any changes to fashion in Paris.

Funny story, I'm at a café in Paris and a French woman at the table next to me says to her non-French friend "those women are students from the UK because no self-respecting French woman would dress like that". I was dying! As an American living outside Paris, I tried to fit in and not to call attention to myself as an outsider. Plus, I love the way French women dress! I was obsessed with learning and observing the whole picture - the attitude, the confidence, the style, the hair and makeup, the accessories, how they put it all together, mixing high and low and new and old. I loved all of it.

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May 24Liked by Monica Ainley DLV

Epic look

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une fois au Luxembourg… returning home from a long morning run in shorts, sneaks, and bra- I coincidentally encounter my French boyfriend, in his suit, walking to work at credit suisse. He pretends not to know me. The end.

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Before you go all in on this trend, spend a little time walking the streets of America and see how wrong it can go.

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Oh trust me, I’m from Toronto, I know.

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Your piece really resonated with me :)

I had a very similar yet opposite experience as a Parisian moving to Sydney- aka the active wear Mecca. At first, it was quite a culture shock!

On one hand, the French ‘parti pris’ to reserve gym clothes solely for workouts seems a bit outdated, yet on the other, I appreciate the distinction it creates between athletic and social garments, keeping a certain elegance in the socialite sphere… It’s a split decision for me!

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Hi Monica, where can I watch your documentary? (I’m in the US). I heard about it a few years ago and have always wanted to see it.

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Aw thanks for your interest. Honestly, I’m not sure, it was five years ago now… but let me ask if there’s a link I can share.

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Thank you so much! And thank you for all the great podcasts and posts. So many happy hours of listening and reading.

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